  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 28

Every day we awaken to the news of innocents slaughtered, homes razed, and lives broken in pieces due to the seemly endless conflict between Israel and Palestine. In this era of modernity, perpetual volatility is highly untenable and fails to reflect the shared values we espouse as a global community. It grieves me to realize that The United States of America, a beacon of freedom and tolerance, is financing the machinery that facilitates Israel's aggressions against Palestinian civilians - sending droves of high-caliber weapons that only serve to fan the flame of discontent and warfare. The scale of human suffering is intensifying beyond belief as we stand by, unintentionally or not, fuelling the violence. A merciless, bloody cycle of destruction ensues as we flood the region with deadly arsenals. We are complicit in the deaths of countless victims, guilty of the toll on innocent lives, and the ever-steepening descent into further aggression. I humbly beseech you to rethink and reevaluate the logic and consequence of selling arms to a conflict area, effectively perpetuating the cycle of pain and hopelessness. Put an end to this narrative of incessant violence, of crimes against humanity that stain our hands and conscience. Light a candle of peace, not an inferno of destruction. For the sake of humanity, of equity, of justice, we need to halt the needless egress of weapons which serve only to continue on this path of despair. It is time to sanction peace, prescribe dialogue, and foster a culture of mutual respect rather than send arms. With every weapon we send, we may not pull the trigger, but the resulting devastation is partly ours to bear. Let us not be the authors of agony, rather let us be the heralds of peace. This is an urgent plea, a call from one human being to another, a request to value life over profit, peace over power, conscience over convenience.

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