- United States
- Letter
Dismantle colonial state, restore Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination
To: V.P. Harris
From: A constituent in Dumfries, VA
August 24, 2024
The fundamental issues surrounding money's influence in politics and the suppression of voting rights are deeply entrenched in the systemic injustices inherent to the U.S. political system. Simply amending laws or enacting reforms cannot adequately address the colonial roots and white supremacist foundations upholding these oppressive structures. True transformation requires a radical restructuring that rejects the legitimacy of the settler-colonial state and its imposed authority over Indigenous peoples. Efforts to "get money out of politics" are commendable but ultimately treat a symptom rather than the underlying disease - a political process founded on the genocide, land dispossession, and subjugation of Indigenous nations. Similarly, assertions of "protecting voting rights" operate within the colonial framework that originally disenfranchised Indigenous peoples as part of assimilationist policies aimed at extinguishing our sovereignty and cultural identities. Meaningful change can only occur through a complete undoing of the settler-colonial project and its institutions of domination, not by vainly attempting to redress its injustices from within. Indigenous liberation necessitates transcending the confines of the colonial political system itself and restoring our autonomy and right to self-determination on our own lands, free from imposed authority. Only through decolonization and the abolition of settler-colonial statehood can we forge new liberatory relations in harmony with the earth and all our relations.