- United States
- Letter
Push Biden to Publish the Equal Rights Amendment immediately
To: V.P. Harris
From: A verified voter in Arlington, VA
January 9
Today's eulogy reminded us all of President Carter's legacy of support for women's rights and the Equal Rights Amendment. Will your legacy be as strong? You were a wonderful Presidential candidate, standing for women's hopes and dreams. So many were heartbroken when you lost. But you aren't powerless or done by a long shot. Right now, you have the ability to change the lives of millions of women by getting the ERA published. Please, don't allow the Archivist to become an unelected judge of new laws' validity. If she can block this publication (originally because of pressure from Trump) , then she and therefore Trump can block any law they dislike that couldn't be vetoed. The Courts weigh in on laws after they are published, not before, unless the Courts themselves stop the law from taking effect. An administrative position has no power to decide on such things. Are you willing to hand Trump that extra power? I'm not. Please, push President Biden to fire the Archivist and replace her with someone who understands the limits of their authority. The ERA is needed urgently. Please, do everything you can to cause it to be published. Be the champion for women that you were in your campaign. Thank you.