An open letter to Sen. Sinema, Pres. Biden, Rep. Ciscomani, Sen. Kelly.
  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Sinema, Pres. Biden, Rep. Ciscomani, Sen. Kelly

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

May 15

The United States has in its hands nearly $300 billion that could be used to buy weapons for Ukraine. This $300 billion is currently frozen Russian assets in International Banks. As an American citizen I want to see the USA do everything it can to defend Ukraine from Russia's unprovoked land grab in Ukraine. President Biden has not done enough. US Congress has not done enough. It is disturbing to watch the violence against Ukraine day after day. Seizing frozen Russian assets is crucial to fortify Ukraine's defense capabilities in the ongoing conflict. It is estimated that nearly $300 billion in Russian assets have been immobilized due to sanctions imposed by Western nations. Channeling these funds towards Ukraine's military efforts would significantly bolster their resources and shift the financial burden away from taxpayers. The legal framework already exists through the US Repo Act, allowing confiscation of sanctioned assets. Implementing similar legislation in the UK and rallying other allies could unlock this substantial funding pool, granting Ukraine a decisive advantage against Russia's aggression. Failure to take such measures risks compromising Ukraine's ability to defend itself effectively. It is a moral and strategic imperative to utilize all available means to aid Ukraine's resistance to Russia's unlawful invasion. I urge immediate action to address this issue and secure a path to Ukrainian victory.

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