  1. United States
  2. Letter

No more military to Israel, no more riot cops on US campuses

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Portland, OR

May 6

In your speech regarding college protests this week, you embodied the “white moderate” that Martin Luther King, Jr. warned against. Even as riot cops bloodied students and threw them down staircases, you admonished protesters for not making their voices small and obedient enough. You are alienating voters of conscience, especially the youth. I cannot bring myself to vote for you in the upcoming Oregon primary, and will only be able to stomach casting a vote for you this November with SIGNIFICANT course correction, namely a complete cessation of military aid to Israel until a permanent ceasefire is achieved. Israel rejected another ceasefire proposal this weekend, further demonstrating that freeing hostages or protecting civilian life has never been a priority. We cannot keep sending bombs and expect the IDF to use them differently. They will continue slaughtering innocents until we stop the flow of weapons. I am begging you, act against genocide.

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