  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Gov. Inslee, Sen. Rivers, Rep. Cheney, Rep. McClintock

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

December 2

Washington state's Reproductive Parity Act requires all state-regulated health plans that cover maternity services to also cover abortion services, including medical abortion (pharmaceuticals used to terminate a pregnancy). If an employer objects to providing these services to their employees, the insurer must provide the services at no cost to the employees. How is it that Providence can flout the law and not cover abortion. I know that we the people pick up the cost when Providence won't so that women are not left in the lurch. It is good to help your neighbor when they need health but it would be better to NOT ALLOW Providence to thumb their nose at the law. The law is supposed to apply to all of us not some. I want you to do whatever you can to get them to be a legally licensed insurer in our state - following all the laws. If they can't perhaps they don't need to do business in our state. Thank you.

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