  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Hawley, Rep. Graves, Sen. Schmitt

From: A constituent in Chillicothe, MO

April 15

Still do the youtube with the robots and can you get rid of Rachel Wright landlord because she given out people information and selling people stuff when they moved instead of calling them and she changed the rent application to her way and she rude to disable people And maco management location Marshall mo Just let her do what she want and give out tenants information about them to other tenants and she won't use the company money to fix things she complain about it saying the tenants should fix things not her and the company and the landlord won't fix the sidewalk because it falling hazard and there not doing anything about it and the landlord abuse the tenants and disabled people and that why lot of people moving out bring in some one nice

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