  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Forest Knolls, CA

June 30

Dear Joe, I am a strong supporter of yours and I was looking forward to seeing a strong debate performance from you. What we all saw was shocking and dispiriting. As you decide what to do going forward, please sit down and watch what we watched. You may feel that you can overcome this bad impression but you have to look at it as someone watching on TV. Think about what that man looked like as we saw him. There is no shame in bowing out. You did an incredible job. If you bow out now and vigorously campaign for the next generation we could still stop Trump which is of paramount importance. Please sit down and watch it. I know that you experienced it within yourself but that’s not the same as watching it. Please think carefully about what is realistic and how we can win this thing!

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