An open letter to Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray.
  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

May 7

I am your constituent and I want you to know that drug shortages are a problem in the US. Shortages cause people to not take their full doses and have lead to death. The supply chain issues are complex. but we need vision into the supply chain to understand where shortages may occur and wha to do a bout them. HR 3008 begins to collect some manufacturer data so we can have a heads up on potential shortages. Please support that. HHS has just issued a report on the subject called “Policy Considerations to Prevent Drug Shortages and Mitigate Supply Chain Vulnerabilities in the United States”. It identifies better monitoring and reporting on manufacturer resilience with respect to potential supply chain disruption. It also recommends hospitals consider supply chain resilience as a part of their purchasing strategies. Please ask the CBO what it would take to implement those recommendations and what the impacts would be. Then we can determine if and when to implement them. Thank you.

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