  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Rubio, Sen. Scott

From: A verified voter in Hobe Sound, FL

August 27

The state Dept of Environmental Protection has put forward a plan to build a golf course in Johnathan Dickinson State Park. I don’t think they understand what environmental protection is. Like all aspects of the DeSantis administration, they are dangerously ignorant. I vehemently urge you to keep opposing this disgraceful proposal. We don’t need another golf course. We need quiet wild spaces. We need wildlife to have a place in the world. We need fewer money-grubbing land developers taking over Florida land that doesn’t belong to them. Tell them to leave JD Park alone. We love it the way it is. I live in Hobe Sound about 10 miles north of the park. SAVE OUR PARKS!

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