  1. United States
  2. Ariz.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Kelly, Rep. Ciscomani, Pres. Biden, Sen. Sinema

From: A verified voter in Cochise, AZ

July 23

The presence of Netanyahu addressing the United States Congress is shameful. He is a criminal. He is operating an illegal war against Palestinian citizens. He thinks that you will keep him in power. Perhaps he plans on staying here when his government falls. He belongs in jail. The ICJ has ruled that Israel is operating an apartheid State. They have told all nations supporting Israel that their support is illegal apartheid and must stop. You frankly, happily declare that we don't have to do what the United Nation says we have to do. But you ignore the reality that the United States signed the UN charter that states that the United States will will submit to the laws of the UN. That the United Nations is actually a product of the United States that was created by the US! Created to protect America's imperial interests. However Justice works both ways. You must submit to the laws that you hope to impose on others. You are conducting an illegal operation when you support Israel's continuing genocide. Every US politician must face Justice for this crime.

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