  1. United States
  2. Nev.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Rosen, Rep. Titus, Sen. Cortez Masto, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Henderson, NV

November 24

There are currently over 120 judicial vacancies across the federal courts, including on the influential circuit courts of appeal. This high number of vacancies undermines the ability of the federal judiciary to function effectively and expeditiously. The Senate has a constitutional duty to provide advice and consent on judicial nominations put forth by the President. I urge you to prioritize holding hearings and votes to fill these vacancies with qualified, mainstream nominees in a timely manner. An overburdened judiciary leads to delays and backlogs in critically important cases, denying justice for all Americans. Ensuring a fully staffed federal bench is essential for upholding the rule of law and our system of checks and balances.

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