1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter


To: Assembly Member Barlas, Assembly Member DePhillips, Sen. Corrado, Gov. Murphy

From: A constituent in Wyckoff, NJ

May 11

I urge you to stop the proposed bill that would significantly curtail public access to government records under New Jersey's Open Public Records Act (OPRA). This bill represents a concerning attack on transparency and open government. Despite amendments, the bill still contains highly problematic provisions. Eliminating the presumption of accessible records, allowing courts to limit the number of requests, and removing requirements for agencies to pay legal fees when unlawfully denying records all undermine OPRA's intent of promoting accountability. Transparency empowers citizens to participate fully in their democracy. Gutting OPRA will erode public trust and concentrate power away from the people you represent. New Jersey already ranks dismally low nationally for open records laws - this regressive bill will only further diminish vital government oversight. I implore you to reject this affront to open government and citizen empowerment. True reform should expand transparency, not contract it behind closed doors. Stand up for your constituents' right to know by voting against this bill that favors secrecy over sunlight.

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