  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Protect Our Right To Transition

To: Gov. Whitmer, Sen. Huizenga, Rep. Hood

From: A constituent in Grand Rapids, MI

July 2

LGBT rights are under attack across the country. It's getting to the point where myself and the people I live can no longer safely travel to several stat es, and I don't want to have to flee the state I call home. You need to codify the right to trans healthcare into law. Protect our ability to seek our transition care in our state. We are adults. We know exactly what we want and how we want to get it done. Don't treat us as though we don't know our bodies. Make sure that we can get the trans healthcare we need in order to feel at home, both in our bodies and in Michigan. Don't let fear mongers take away our right to healthcare. Don't let bad actors from outside the state dictate what we can do with our bodies. Protect our right to trans healthcare NOW.

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