  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Murray, Sen. Cantwell

From: A constituent in Bothell, WA

November 10

I am writing today to urge you to support S.J.Res 114 & 115 introduced by Senator Sanders. These resolutions would disapprove of the sale of certain defense articles, weapons, and services to the Government of Israel. At least 60,000 Palestinians have died since the beginning of the current conflict and the United States has funded over 70% of the Israeli military’s violence. Countless people have been displaced and injured as the IDF’s indiscriminate campaign has continued. Even more have suffered as Israel has blocked aid. This genocide against Palestinians will only end when we stop providing a constant and unconditional supply of weapons, support, and money to the Israeli Government. About 60% of Americans support some sort of ceasefire agreement in Gaza, and I am disappointed that congress has only continued to act in opposition to the will of the people. I ask you to take the historic opportunity presented by S.J.Res.114 and 115 to approach this situation with compassion. I hope you will cosponsor both of these resolutions and vote in favor of them

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