  1. United States
  2. N.C.
  3. Letter

Oppose SB 237 - Masks are a valid choice for public health

To: Sen. Grafstein

From: A constituent in Raleigh, NC

May 15

I am writing in opposition to Senate Bill 237 as amended. I have family members who are severely immunocompromised. They routinely wear masks in public spaces to protect their own health. Recently, I was feeling poorly and wore a mask when I needed to go into a public space. The following day I tested positive for Covid. Without the mask, I am sure I would have infected others. With what we know regarding public health, it is absurd to pass legislation, preventing individuals from taking simple measures to protect their own or others health. This bill is an overblown attempt to quash protests. Please stop this before it creates genuine harm. Thank you

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