An open letter to Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Larsen, Sen. Murray.
  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cantwell, Rep. Larsen, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Oak Harbor, WA

May 1

I am deeply concerned that our Supreme Court is seemingly mocking democracy by avoiding the simple understanding that no one, not even a president or former president, is above the law. I honestly fear that the upcoming November general election may be the last free election we may ever have. It’s terrifying! I am not a far left liberal, and clearly not a brainwashed MAGA follower, just a very concerned retired civil servant. I took an oath to support and defend The Constitution. My son is also active Navy so he too has sworn an oath. His mother, a Washington State Trooper, also swore an oath. Yes, we believe in our democracy. But we seem to be living in a world where swearing an oath means so little now. What gives? Congress needs to work to protect our right to vote, and something must be done to fix the failing Supreme Court.

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