  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Booker, Sen. Menendez, Rep. Sherrill

From: A constituent in Dover, NJ

May 27

Hello, I'm writing yet again as a horrified constituent watching my representatives blithely ignore, and even support, the genocide in Palestine. You are supporting Israel, which just sent refugees to a specific place to flee and then bombed that place. So clearly that's okay with you? I've tried to be very professional in messages in the past but you have shown your true colors in your inaction, and I simply don't care to act professional any more. You are watching this happen, again neither opposing it and in some cases literally voting to fund this human rights atrocity. What else am I supposed to say? If you've seen the genocide unfold as it has this far and you still don't care, nothing will make you. The blood is on your hands; you may not be the president or even capable of making change on your own, but if you don't even try then you are beyond hope. I will keep writing, contacting my representatives including the president, boycotting and divesting from Israel, and donating to Palestinian causes, and voting true to my conscious in the coming election.

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