  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Merkley, Rep. Hoyle, Sen. Wyden

From: A verified voter in Eugene, OR

July 8

Please urge the president to step aside, he will not win. I’m a life long democrat, a veteran, and patriot, respectfully I ask him to step aside. He will tarnish his career and all of his accomplishments when he hands this country over to Trump. This is bigger than him. This is about democracy, this is about keeping Trump from stacking the Supreme Court for the next 40 plus years, this is the right thing to do. He will lose and when he does, we all lose. Please, keep encouraging him to be the bigger man and step aside. Nominate Gavin Newsom, he can debate Trump, he can win.

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