- United States
- Letter
VETO H. R. 9495
To: Pres. Biden
From: A constituent in Gillette, WY
November 24, 2024
I am writing today to strongly urge you to VETO H. R. 9495 if it passes both the House and Senate. This bill would give the Treasury Secretary unchecked authority to unilaterally designate organizations as "terrorist supporting organizations" and strip them of tax-exempt status, without due process or judicial oversight. Such overreach is unacceptable and threatens the rights of lawful non-profit groups. The vague criteria like "material support" could be abused to target groups based on political or ideological disagreements rather than credible evidence. This undermines free expression and open society. I urge strong opposition to any proposal giving the executive branch unfettered power to eliminate lawf ul organizations without accountability. Robust due process protections and judicial review must be included for any such designations to prevent abuse of power. Our democratic principles are at stake. I believe this is a dangerous bill and would give the Trump administration unilateral power to label any non-prof it as terrorist supporting and shut it down without due process. I am calling on you to defend civil rights organizations and VETO this bill. Thank you.