  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Reject mandatory religious time in public schools

To: Gov. DeWine, Sen. Reynolds, Rep. Piccolantonio

From: A verified voter in Westerville, OH

August 23

Ohio HB 445 seeks to make released time religious instruction mandatory in public school districts, changing the existing law from permissive to required. While current law already allows districts to create policies excusing students for religious instruction off campus, this bill would force all districts to do so. This is an unnecessary intrusion into the separation of church and state and districts' local control. Requiring religious release policies elevates one belief system over others and compels districts to facilitate religious activities, which should remain a personal family matter outside of public schools. Many parents value a secular education focused on academics. Districts that wish to allow released time can already adopt such policies. Making it mandatory overrides the reasonable decisions of those opposed to using limited school time for religious purposes. Public education should remain neutral on religious matters rather than being conscripted to promote particular faiths. I urge you to reject this bill mandating religious release time policies across all school districts. Preserving separation of church and state and protecting each district's ability to set policies aligned with local community values is vital. This decision should be left to locally-elected school boards, not imposed as a statewide requirement.

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