- United States
- Calif.
- Letter
Vote YES on PN 1650 Judge Dixon
To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla
From: A verified voter in Saratoga, CA
November 22, 2024
Today I take pen in hand to write and urge you to further action for all Judicial nominees, including voting YES on PN 1650, Cynthia Valenzuela Dixon for the federal bench in California.
It’s been many days since her nomination, and we support Judge Dixon because of her long service to the legal rights of Latinx workers and residents in California, a badly underrepresented demographic in the courts. She’s also been a champion of legal ethics and this has come into focus lately considering all that’s going on with more than one conservative Supreme Court Justice. We value her high standards.
We cannot waste any time on hers and other nominations. It’s a well-known and deliberate tactic by the Republican Party to stall appointments until the extremist right can slant every court in the land with their own justices. I would say none of whom could be considered putting equal justice under the law first in their service.
In the time remaining, every possible appointment, including that of Judge Dixon, must be made.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.