An open letter to Sen. Brown, Rep. Turner, Sen. Vance.
  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Brown, Rep. Turner, Sen. Vance

From: A verified voter in Springfield, OH

April 10

With the upcoming important election, it is uplifting to read about all the positive legislation / actions President Biden & his administration has taken to improve the quality of life for Americans. Yet there is a significant “elephant in the room” that is causing a great deal of daily real-life stress to middle and lower class Americans that needs to be addressed and resolved if the Democrats hope to win in the Executive branch and both houses. That is the ongoing price gouging of consumers at the grocery stores. As many Americans, my daughter and her husband are middle income earners. They have three teenage sons, a home mortgage, and cars they are buying along with monthly utilities. As do many of my friends, my daughter voices frustration regarding the high cost of her weekly grocery bills. Today for example, she shared that a bag of Lay potato chips, which in the past cost $2.99 per bag, now costs $5.49. Even taking into account inflation, this price increase is significant and just one example of the immense increase in the cost of just one item. I have not researched pay raises in America, but I would imagine they are similar to my daughter’s and her husband’s. They are not even close to keeping up with the increased price of groceries. From my research, Krogers, Walmart, and Amazon have consistently contributed to the high prices of groceries. I urge each of you to research the significant financial strain on American families from the price gouging occurring in our country and take the necessary steps to rein them in. I and many, many Democrats at the ground level are using any and all resources to bring about wins for Democrats in November, 2024. Yet, until legislators recognize and take steps to restrain price gouging, it will be an uphill battle. Thank you!

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