  1. United States
  2. Letter

Stop the genocidal bombing of Gaza

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in South Jordan, UT

May 7

As your constituent, I'm requesting your immediate support for the following demands: 1. Call for an immediate ceasefire, protection of civilians, and the establishment of safe zones in the Gaza Strip. 2. Call to allow the entry of humanitarian assistance, including: a) Safe passage of humanitarian aid, and medical supplies, from Egypt through the Rafah crossing. This must be safeguarded by the international community. b) Protection of, safe, secure and timely delivery of humanitarian assistance to the affected population inside the Gaza Strip. c) Resuming access to water and electricity as well as fuel for medical facilities in the Gaza Strip. Conditions on the ground are more dire than in any other Israeli aggression on Gaza since the inception of the Israeli blockade in 2007. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a “complete siege on Gaza,” which became effective on 7th October, 2023 including cutting off power, water, and fuel to the besieged territory. Further, the Israeli military bombed the Rafah crossing to prevent the safe passage of food, medical supplies, and humanitarian aid into Gaza, as well as the civilians into Egypt. According to the Egyptian aid group, the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights, the Israeli military threatened to bomb aid trucks if they attempted to deliver humanitarian supplies through the Rafah crossing. These are unprecedented acts of Israeli violence that we did not see even in the worst of their bombardment in the wars 2021, 2014, 2012, and 2008-9. Even in previous wars on Gaza, despite the US arming Israel and Congress approving additional military aid during these wars, the US administration has called for a de-escalation of hostilities. Instead of calling for a ceasefire, you gave a speech that promised direct military aid, a compliant Congress, and increased support from regional allies. These are not gestures to deescalation, but a greenlight for civilian massacres. Israel has killed over 34,000 Palestinians since the beginning of the war on Gaza on October 8, including more than 14,000 children. Over 78,000 Palestinians have been injured. Israel is decimating homes, civilian infrastructure, and entire neighborhoods. Gaza is currently under an electricity blackout and severe lack of access to water where 7 significant water and sewage facilities, serving over 1,100,000 people, were hit by Israeli airstrikes and severely damaged. You must call for an immediate de-escalation safeguarded by the United States and international community. This entails an immediate ceasefire, and the safe passage of humanitarian aid from Egypt through the Rafah crossing. If you and your administration continue to fuel the genocide in Gaza, you will lose my vote.

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