  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Sen. Cruz, Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

June 5

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. “We are the rule of law party.” Can you guess who said this with a straight face, recently, more than once? That would be Speaker Mike Johnson. Another example of parallel universes colliding. A rule of law party wouldn’t nominate a felon for the nation’s highest office. A rule of law party wouldn’t try to undermine public confidence in the judicial system without cause. A rule of law party wouldn’t try to defund law enforcement agencies based on nonsensical conspiracy theories. A rule of law party wouldn’t endorse retaliatory, politically motivated prosecutions against innocent people. A rule of law party wouldn’t reward accused criminals, elevating them to positions in which they could help steer the party’s future. A rule of law party wouldn’t have a suspected criminal, indicted on election-related charges, oversee the party’s election-year legal efforts. A rule of law party wouldn’t rally behind a presidential nominee who’s running on a platform of pardoning violent criminals and putting them back onto the streets. A rule of law party wouldn’t nominate for president a felon who’s surrounded himself with other convicted criminals. A rule of law party wouldn’t scramble to condemn one of its own after he encouraged voters to respect the legal process. All these things have been done recently by the rule of law party. We the people need him to issue a retraction please.

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