  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Swalwell

From: A verified voter in Fremont, CA

July 14

Today's shooting at the Trump rally was terrifying. His base has already been threatening violence if things don't go their way, they already attempted a coup when Trump lost the last Presidential election. Can we even imagine what would have happened if the shooter had actually hit Trump, let alone killed him? One thing you should do is introduce a gun control bill. I know there are various drafts all over the halls of congress. You all do try and try to find the magic wording that'll get past all the NRA lobbyist money that prevent the GOP from even considering anything. Maybe having watched their nominee get shot at will be enough to get them to look past the NRA's lobbying and finally give us a chance to get something passed. And please don't let them tell you it's "too soon", because they do that every time there's a major shooting. And there's never been a time where it wasn't "too soon" after a shooting because we have gun violence in this country so often. The fact that it's always "too soon" is why there's always a new shooting to make it too soon to consider doing anything about it. Nothing gets done if we're always in mourning.

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