  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Shrub Oak, NY

July 8

Mr President, I commend you on your first term. Defeating Trump and holding off the MAGAT hoard in midterm was admirable. You did well. But now you face one opponent you can’t beat: Age. The job is for younger ppl (not young like Donnie) but much younger. We need a president who can’t be hobbled by a cold or extensive travel. That job is for a younger generation. Please for the good of the nation. Resign. You saved us Trump once before when you stepped in. Now we need you to do it again by stepping down. Please do not seek nor accept the party’s nomination. Maga is about one man’s narcissism. Let Brandon be about placing the nation ahead of oneself. Thank you

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