  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Too fossil fuel focused

To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in San Antonio, TX

November 29

The nomination of Chris Wright, a fossil fuel executive and vocal advocate of oil and gas development including fracking, as energy secretary raises concerns about prioritizing fossil fuels over clean energy transition. Wright has been a loud critic of efforts to combat climate change, arguing that the climate movement is "collapsing under its own weight." His leadership could give a major boost to oil and gas production, potentially reversing current policies aimed at reducing emissions and promoting renewable energy sources. This approach threatens to exacerbate the climate crisis and undermine progress towards a sustainable future. I urge you to carefully consider the long-term consequences of empowering fossil fuel interests at the helm of the Department of Energy. The future of our planet depends on bold climate action and a decisive shift away from polluting energy sources.

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