- United States
- Wash.
- Letter
The indiscriminate violence and persistent conflict that stains our world has become impossible for me to ignore. I write this letter as an ordinary man, disturbed and anguished, unable to sit in silence while humanity weeps, especially concerning the U.S. support of Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians. It is disheartening to know that my taxes, our taxes, are being utilized to support such measures. This isn't about political alliances anymore; it is a matter of basic human rights being violated.
Our nation, so firmly rooted in its values of liberty and justice, seems almost contradictory in its approach towards Palestine. The provision of arms to continue the deeds further casts a shadow on the universal values we pledge to uphold. History will hold us accountable for our actions and inactions; this should urge us to push towards a ceasefire immediately, prioritizing the lives of the innocent people caught up in this chaos. We must be a nation that cultivates peace, not a perpetuator of violence and infringement of human rights.
Abolishing crimes against humanity begins with us, using our voices to demand justice and peace. Humanity need not be divided by borders, ethnicity, or religion - we all share the same fundamental right to life and dignity. As we hope for a brighter tomorrow for our children, let us also remember it is our responsibility to ensure that every child - Palestinian or Israeli, is afforde the same. I implore you to reconsider the devastating consequences of our actions, and urge you towards promoting dialogue and peace, over warfare and destruction.