  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Wyden, Sen. Merkley, Rep. Chavez-DeRemer

From: A constituent in West Linn, OR

July 15

sets a minimum age of 35 for the presidency, it does not impose any upper age limit. There is significant growing concern among voters regarding the advanced age of some presidential candidates in recent elections. While the Constitution With people living longer lives and medical advances allowing them to remain active and mentally sharp later in life, it is reasonable to consider whethe r instituting an upper age limit for elected officials, including the president, would be beneficial. the entire nation. While some individuals may maintain these capacities into their later years, age-related decline is an inevitable reality for most. The president's role demands tremendous stamina, focus, and cognitive abilities to handle immense responsibilities and make critical decisions impacting Implementing an age cap of 65 would align with the typical retirement age in many professions and would serve as a reasonable cut-off. Moreover, these individuals should be mentoring and raising up younger candidates who can bring fresh ideas and new leadership to the political arena. The founding fathers never meant for the country to be run by career politicians or autocrats. For the health of our country and democracy, we must estab lish age limits. Thank you for your leadership in this area!

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