  1. United States
  2. Letter

Condemn Gaza attack, halt arms sales to Israel

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Woodland, CA

September 11

The ongoing violence and loss of civilian lives in Gaza is truly devastating. The recent airstrike by Israeli forces on a designated "safe zone" for displaced Palestinians in al-Mawasi, which killed at least 19 people, is unconscionable and a grave violation of international humanitarian law. Striking a civilian shelter area shows a callous disregard for human life and the principles of distinction and proportionality in warfare. While Israel claims to have taken precautions, the tragic reality is that dozens of innocent people, including women and children seeking refuge, have been killed or are still missing under the rubble. No military objective can justify such wanton destruction in a densely populated area. This cycle of violence and disproportionate use of force against a besieged civilian population must end. I urge you to condemn this heinous attack in the strongest terms and take immediate steps to halt arms sales and military aid to Israel until it fully complies with international law and human rights norms. Continuing to enable Israel's military actions that kill and traumatize civilians will only perpetuate this tragic conflict. Justice and accountability are essential to achieve a lasting peace. The people of Gaza cannot be sacrificed at the altar of military adventurism. Their lives and human dignity must be protected.

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