  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27, 2024

I write to you from a place of deep pain and frustration, spurred by the dire situation plaguing the civilians of Palestine. There is an undeniable urgency that rings through the cries of the innocent, children and parents alike, who bear the brunt of ceaseless violence and bloodshed. As a simple man, the complexities of international politics might elude me, but the image of a child caught in the crossfire, families torn asunder, and lives disintegrated does not. The United States, a bastion of democracy and freedom, finds itself in the unsettling position of funding and providing arms for an operation that, under the lens of humanity, is indefensible. Among the rockets and munitions ravaging the Palestinian landscape, stamps of our great nation glare back. We are facilitating a reality soaked in fear and despair, a glaring contradiction to the principles we claim to uphold. This cannot, and must not, continue. I implore you to consider the morality of this situation beyond the political line of sight. Your decision could signal the long overdue ceasefire, bringing much-needed respite to the weary souls of Palestine. Abolish the crimes against humanity we are complicit in and reroute our funding from weaponry to aid and redevelopment. Let us not fuel devastation, but become harbingers of peace and hope. Let our contribution be to the laughter of children, not their tears. The choice is ours to make, and the time to make it is now.

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