  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Schiff, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Steel

From: A constituent in Fountain Valley, CA

December 15

The Medicare Advantage program has failed to deliver quality, affordable healthcare for seniors. These private plans restrict access to care through narrow provider networks, burdensome prior authorization requirements, and misleading marketing practices. Patients face delays in receiving vital treatments like cancer care, leading to worse health outcomes compared to traditional Medicare. Rather than driving down costs through competition, these for-profit insurers reap massive gains by denying care while receiving excessive government subsidies estimated at $140 billion annually. We cannot allow corporations to prioritize profits over patient wellbeing. For Medicare's 59th anniversary, we must protect this essential public program from predatory privatization schemes and instead strengthen it by expanding benefits and lowering out-of-pocket costs for all enrollees. Healthcare is a human right, not a commodity to be exploited.

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