  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Van Duyne

From: A verified voter in Hurst, TX

November 14, 2024

Good morning. The Department of Education provides a vital role in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education. Special education programs and protection of students with disabilities are of paramount importance and are a top priority for Texas education- uninterrupted provision of services to these students is the highest priority to voters like myself. Support to Title I schools - including free breakfast and lunch to students living in poverty is a fundamental role of DOE that also needs to be preserved. DOE needs to remain fully funded and staffed - top-down- by people who believe in the importance and power of public education as the foundation of democracy and one of the core pillars of our social compact that supports our democratic values. Please publicly recommit to supporting public education by confirming your unequivocal backing of a robust Department of Education.

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