  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Biden must step down as presidential candidate to save the American people

To: Sen. Bennet, Rep. DeGette, Sen. Hickenlooper

From: A constituent in Denver, CO

July 6

I want to communicate my concerns about Present Biden resisting calls to step down as the democratic candidate for the next presidential election. It is clear he does not have insight into his limitations, as is common for a person of his age. The majority of my professional career as a clinical social worker has been working with older adults who are transitioning in life from independence to their next phase of life. I'm seeing much of what I experienced in that work in the President's behavior. Older adults can be resistant to necessary changes in their lives when that change results in a loss for the elder. Typically there is limited insight into this, and therefore, the President may not be capable of seeing the reality of the situation. However, this cannot be allowed. It is factual that a person in their 80s is not physiologically capable of fulfilling the role of president. Even if he were in pristine health, and he may be for someone his age, however he is at grave risk for a multitude of health conditions that plague many older adults. Also, elephant in the room. People retire in their 60s and 70s. The Biden family is endangering us all out of pride. It is clear to many that he is not capable of this next step, and is not capable of seeing why he should not proceed. Something needs to be done to protect us from a second Trump presidency and time is running out. Please do whatever you can to get Biden to step down. I fear we will lose this election which will be disastrous for this country. So much damage has occurred due to the weakness and complacency of the Democratic Party, and if Trump is allowed to walk into the White House, who knows how long it will take to bounce back from the damage that will be done. If Biden can't see this, then either he is just as bad as Trump letting his pride drive the bus, or his age is such a barrier that he lacks the judgement. Please help us get off this sinking ship.

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