John Hickenlooper


  1. United States
  2. Colorado
  3. Sen. John Hickenlooper

Sen. John Hickenlooper

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Only Way to Prevent a POLIO Epidemic in Gaza/Israel is CEASEFIRE

I’m writing to you to bring attention to an article published in Haaretz titled "Cease-fire. The Only Way to Prevent a Polio Epidemic Among Gazan and Israeli Babies" (July 21, 2024,) written by 8 Israeli professors of epidemiology and other clinical healthcare specialties. The article explains that

Verified VoterLittleton, CO


I am writing to draw your immediate attention to the deliberate targeting and killing of Palestinian children by Israeli snipers, and to respond to these atrocities. Children account for more than 37% of all civilian deaths in Gaza, with more than 15,800 children killed in 280 days. Jewish American

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Joe Biden Became A Political Liability For The Democratic Party On Gaza. Period.

You may never admit this, but Joe Biden became a political liability for the Democratic Party on Gaza. Period. The media won't say this. The pundits will talk around it and the party will say it's not the case as not to offend their pro-Israel donors - but they knew that they could not win states

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

A Legal Justification for Genocide: Israel’s Exploitation of “Human Shields”

I am writing to share an article by Jewish Currents titled "Human Shields: Gaza, Israel, and a Legal Justification for Genocide." The article details disturbing practices and legal justifications used by the Israeli government and military in their operations in Gaza, which have resulted in massive

Map PinWheat Ridge, CO

Support Kamala

Now that President Biden has stepped out of the race, I urge you to throw your full weight behind Vice President Harris. We must elect her and keep Trump out of the White House. Democracy itself is at stake. I implore you to endorse, support, and campaign for Harris. We cannot afford another Trump p

Verified VoterLarkspur, CO

Reauthorize crucial FASD prevention and support program

The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Prevention and Services program plays a vital role in addressing the serious public health issue of prenatal alcohol exposure, with many (if not most) children and adults living with FASD going undiagnosed or misdiagnosed due to inconsistent use or limited

Verified VoterMonte Vista, CO

Before war-criminal Netanyahu visits congress this coming week, you should really familiarize yourself with this last week's rulings from the International Court of Justice.

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

ICJ Finds Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Illegal; Demands End to Apartheid

In the face of pressure from Israel, the U.S., and the West, the World Court has ruled that the Israeli occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem, is illegal. The ICJ also found that Israel is committing apartheid against Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). This r

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Urgent Support Needed for H.R.8936 - Rohingya Protection and Support Act

I am writing as a concerned constituent to urge you to support H.R.8936 - To provide protection, support, and humanitarian assistance to Rohingya refugees and internally displaced people as well as promote accountability and a path out of genocide and crimes against humanity for Rohingya. Support

Map PinNorthglenn, CO

We voted for Biden

Sirs, I am distraught that you or any Dem would call for Biden to drop out. He is the incumbent, trump is easy to beat especially with abortion on the ballot. Biden already beat him. 14 million people voted for him, abide by our choice. Thank you for your time.

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Israel Killed or Wounded 320 in Gaza With Banned Weapons

I am writing to urgently draw your attention to reports emerging from Gaza of hospitals being inundated with hundreds of Palestinians suffering from severe burns. These injuries are consistent with the use of internationally banned weapons, a grave violation of international humanitarian law. Acco

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Tell DNC Rules Committee: No Virtual Nomination Before The Convention!!!

I am writing to you with an urgent request regarding the upcoming Democratic National Convention. It has come to my attention that there is a significant push within the Democratic National Convention (DNC) rules committee to nominate President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee before the actual c

Verified VoterBoulder, CO

Ask the President to step aside

Despite all of the horrific events, and general craziness of the last week, we can't take our eyes off the prize. It's time for President Biden to step aside and let someone else beat Trump. It appears that President Biden is the only one who can't see that he won't beat Trump. I'm calling on all o

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

New Report Details IDF’s Approval of Free-For-All Civilian Casualties in Gaza

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding a recent report published by +972 Magazine titled “‘I’m bored, so I shoot’: The Israeli army’s approval of free-for-all violence in Gaza.” The article provides disturbing accounts from Israeli soldiers, revealing a deeply troubling shift in the opera

Map PinOak Creek, CO

Polls show Biden losing

The President's age and health have become a growing concern among many Americans, raising doubts about his ability to effectively lead the country for another four years. While the decision ultimately rests with him, putting the national interest first may necessitate stepping aside to restore conf

Map PinDenver, CO

Joe Biden Re-Election Campaign

You need to call on Joe Biden to end his re-election campaign.

Map PinDenver, CO

Pass Assault Rifle Ban Today

Hi, I'm a constituent calling from Denver. My name is Sandy. The horrifying events over the weekend prove once again that assault weapons have no place in our country. They are weapons of war and shouldn’t be in the hands of civilians. I want the Senator/ Congressperson to call for an immediate vot

Verified VoterBoulder, CO


This latest development regarding Judge Aileen Cannon's dismissal of the classified documents case against Donald Trump is highly concerning. Her decision undermines principles of accountability and runs counter to the foundational tenet that no individual should be above the law, regardless of thei

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Support Sanctions Against Israel and Enforce the Leahy Laws

I am writing to urgently call for your immediate intervention following a targeted attack by Israeli forces on a refugee tent camp in Khan Younis. This latest bombing assault in al-Mawasi, which has killed at least 71 Palestinians, is part of a disturbing pattern of Israeli airstrikes targeting area

Verified VoterLakewood, CO

Stop Israel from this genocide now!! Why are we allowing innocent people to be killed day after day? Please do something.

Map PinLouisville, CO

Tell Biden to withdraw from the race

and capable bench, but a Biden ticket is a guaranteed loss (with major losses in Congress). Please have the courage of your convictions. If this electi Please call publicly for President Biden to step down. We already have one party where it is verboten to criticize the dear leader, we don't need a

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

Every person deserves to be counted! Oppose H.R. 7109

I am writing to urge you to oppose H.R. 7109, the Equal Representation Act, and any future efforts to inquire about citizenship or immigration status on the decennial census and to exclude noncitizens from the apportionment counts. H.R. 7109 seeks to achieve a clearly unconstitutional purpose, as d

Verified VoterLittleton, CO

What number of deaths is acceptable before you demand Israel ceasefire?

The House passed a bill that prohibits the State Department from citing Gaza Health Ministry statistics. Gaza Health Ministry is reporting 38,000+ deaths. The Lancet report published June 2024 estimates conservatively 186,000+ deaths. ( What is the

Verified VoterEads, CO

sonally I think you have been too quiet on the alternative. Please get off your high horse and get out there and campaign for our democracy. I was so dis In regards to Senator Bennett comments on cnn about Biden should step aside. In all due respect Senator Bennett what have you done for this campai

Verified VoterDenver, CO

Did you watch the press conference? I demand you publicly request that President Biden to step aside and support an open conference.

Map PinDenver, CO

Publicly call President Biden to decline nomination

I appreciate you're making public statements that your voters are concerned about President Biden losing, but why won't any representatives publicly call on Biden to step down? It is clearl to all, except for the President, his family, and his team, that there is no faith in his ability to win. His

Map PinNorthglenn, CO

Back Biden

President Biden has devoted his life to fighting for the American people. Though he may have had a disappointing debate performance, we cannot ignore his exemplary track record over the past 3.5 years in office. He has consistently delivered on key issues that matter most to citizens. It would be un

Verified VoterCarbondale, CO

Senator Bennett - You Made Me Proud, Thank You

Thank you, Senator Bennett, for your courageous truth telling regarding the need for Biden to step aside. I hope that Senator Hickenlooper also joins you in relaying the concerns that Unaffiliated Voters like myself have in Biden's candidacy. We all saw with our own eyes that Biden's cognitive decli

Verified VoterFort Collins, CO

Investigate unethical conduct of Justices Thomas and Alito

I am writing to you today concerning the articles of impeachment against Justices Thomas and Alito, introduced tonight by NY's Representative Ocasio-Cortez. The call for impeachment of Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito stems from concerns over their ethics and potential conflicts of interest.

Map PinArvada, CO

Support the Supporting Abortion Access Act (S. 4554)

The Supporting Abortion Access Act (S. 4554) is a crucial bill that aims to protect reproductive rights and ensure access to abortion services across the United States. This legislation seeks to counteract regressive state laws that unduly restrict or criminalize abortion, putting the health and wel

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