  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Thorough vetting of Cabinet nominees before confirmations

To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn

From: A verified voter in San Antonio, TX

November 27

Given the concerns raised about the lack of proper FBI background checks for President-elect Trump's Cabinet nominees, it is essential that thorough vetting takes place before they are confirmed. The Senate has a responsibility to fully examine each nominee's background and qualifications to ensure they meet the highest standards for serving in such critical roles. Red flags have already surfaced regarding some nominees' past conduct, legal issues, and potential conflicts of interest. Rigorous background checks by the FBI are a critical safeguard to identify any disqualifying concerns and uphold the public's trust in the government's leadership. Proceeding with confirmations without these customary background reviews would be an inexcusable lapse that undermines the Senate's constitutional "advice and consent" obligations. The American people deserve full transparency and accountability regarding the incoming administration's top officials.

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