  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

End your genocide in Rafah, the eyes of the world are upon you

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Huffman

From: A constituent in Petaluma, CA

May 27

Today we watched Israel burn refugees alive in their tents. We saw a baby beheaded by your bombs. Our vetos in the Security Council are beyond monstrous, and we stand alone against the entire planet. Our pier has been exposed as a military installation. Aid rots in the sun, and students are beaten in street. Your silence echos into the future, and your children’s children will spit their bile on your legacy after they have decomposed the colonial system you stand for. This is your chance to stand up and stop this genocide, or face trial for you complicity in it. The people are watching your crimes, your silence, and your collusion. Act now, or forever hold your peace.

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