  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Stop PG&E's Predatory Rate Hikes: Protect Rate-Payers Now

To: Asm. Berman, Sen. Becker, Gov. Newsom

From: A constituent in Campbell, CA

February 25

PG&E's audacity is astounding. They reported a $2.24 billion profit in 2023, a 24% increase from the previous year, largely due to squeezing customers with rate hikes. Now, they plan to ask for even more, claiming they need additional funds to bury power lines underground for wildfire prevention. It's outrageous to expect customers to foot the bill for these safety improvements. The California Public Utilities Commission is considering adding insult to injury by allowing an extra $4-6 charge on monthly bills. This is unacceptable. It's time to stand up against these predatory practices and shield rate-payers from further financial exploitation. Action must be taken now.

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