  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Asm. Wallis, Gov. Newsom, Sen. Ochoa Bogh

From: A verified voter in Calimesa, CA

July 26

I hope this letter finds you well. As a dedicated citizen who believes in progressive leadership, I urge you to support Kamala Harris for the presidency. Her vision, experience, and dedication to our nation's prosperity make her the ideal candidate. Vice President Harris has shown unwavering commitment to critical issues. Her role in passing the Inflation Reduction Act champions policies that promote economic stability and growth. This legislation has curbed inflation and provided relief to millions, ensuring our economy remains robust. Under Harris's watch, we have seen historically low unemployment rates, a clear indicator of her effective leadership and economic understanding. Her efforts have created millions of jobs, providing opportunities for individuals and families nationwide. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is another example of Harris's capability to unite people and achieve progress. This legislation has paved the way for substantial investments in our nation's infrastructure, addressing long-overdue needs and laying the foundation for a sustainable future. Given her impressive track record and dedication to the well-being of all Americans, I respectfully request that you consider becoming a surrogate and advocate for Kamala Harris's presidential campaign. Your support would bolster her candidacy and send a powerful message of unity and strength to voters nationwide. As a lawmaker who has consistently worked towards the betterment of our society, your influence and voice are invaluable in this critical moment. By joining the "Harris for President" movement, you will play a pivotal role in ensuring our country moves forward with a leader deeply committed to justice, equality, and prosperity for all. Thank you for your time and consideration. Together, we can help usher in a new era of progress and opportunity for every American.

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