  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Need to support Biden otherwise risk giving election to Trump

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Pelosi

From: A verified voter in San Francisco, CA

July 19

I hope someone can actually read and understand the urgency of this. How do we get Democrats to stop this in-fighting as to who we designate for the Presidential election? I was not happy with the fact we chose Biden - but that is who has been in primary and has had the longest run at fundraising - and there is a solid record on which to promote and build on. The time for a change for our candidate has passed - there is no time to find and agree on a new person, fund raise and build awareness of a new candidate. It is not possible to put Kamala forward - she is awesome but this country does not like women nor women of color - and she has not received a lot of positive press since being VP. I hoping that perception can change in future as I would love to see her as our leader! But I digress. This infighting and calling for Biden to step down so late in the game is handing a decisive victory to Trump. Why is no-one in elected office seeing this? Republicans are now sitting back and watching the show as the Democrats implode on themselves. Biden is not any older than we knew him to be when he was selected in the primary. Need to focus on the positive record. Let the people all across the country know of all the good that has been accomplished. The message cannot just be on what the negative will be under Trump. That message does not resonate with people are Trump followers or indecisive. They need to be reminded of the positive things done for people - and the protections that are in place for the people. It is so critical that we stop this ridiculousness of looking to find someone else at this late stage of the game. I am not a Biden fan - he has done a solid for this country and is a man of service - but he is disconnected from people being in the Washington DC bubble plus due to his age. But that will not stop me from understanding now that we need to support him and promote the good that has been done since he has been in office - focusing on what has been accomplished in the office of the President serving all people - not what the Democrats have accomplished. It is shameful and shows how disconnected the elected representatives of this country are - in that they believe that suddenly because of some memory lapses of Biden (really calling Zelensky Putin ugh) but cannot focus on that now. You are handing the election to Trump which will be a tragedy for the people of this country. and a sad day for democracy around the world - as the USA will be seen as one big failed experiment. So sad to be in this position. There is still hope if we all throw our support around Biden - not him as a person but the platform of service in which he believes. Thanks for listening.i complete

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