  1. United States
  2. Letter

Stop focusing on Trump and Israel. Focus on the USA.

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Macomb, MI

August 25, 2024

Most importantly, stop talking about Trump. Let others do the talking. You focus on your plans for our country and how to make it better. And, stop defending Israel. Stop sending them out money and our weapons. They use it to destroy people. The terrible things done to the Palestinians in the name of defending themselves is ridiculous. The rest of the world has opened their eyes, please do th e same. Apac donates a lot of money to candidates but it is our money in the first place that we give them annually. Amazing how they have universal health care and paid college! Stop being blind and defend those in need. It's always a joke to vote because we are voting for the lesser of two evils. You are the lesser. If the Repubs had a decent candidate, you would not be getting my vote. I hate that you support Israel. I hate that you give them our tax money. Start looking out for the middle class, the people of your country and let us flourish.

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