Do not sign HF 2605.
  1. United States
  2. Iowa
  3. Letter

Do not sign HF 2605.

To: Gov. Reynolds

From: A constituent in West Des Moines, IA

April 10

Please do not sign HF 2605. Hemp derived products are a useful and viable tool for those of us who do not wish to smoke/vape cannabis. I deal with generalized anxiety disorder, as well as the long term effects from a car crash in 2016 that caused a bulging disc in my neck that radiates pain throughout my shoulder. I take medication and utilize chiropractic and massage care to help alleviate the pain some, but hadn't slept well for years before I started using hemp-derived thc found at stores like the despensary in Des Moines. I utilize hemp-derived products to deal with pain associated with sleeping. I am (and always have been) a side sleeper. I also was never a smoker. IMCB Licensed vape products typically caused me to cough a lot and give me a headache. I much prefer the mellow, longer lasting edible options that allow me to get a full nights rest, in spite of the pain i feel in my shoulder all day, every day. The further restriction of these products will simply show favortism to the alcohol industry, an industry that kills more people than thc, as well as show that an two-time OWI convicted person like you can't expand their thought process. This isn't the 1920s, its the 2020s - weed is safer than alcohol, period. Your blatant attacks to try to shut down the despensary are shameful. The people that work there are all knowledgeable and kind. They want to make sure to recommend what is needed, not just get fun doses. This bill becoming law will further drive residents from our state. It is not something that will enrich the state, just harm it. I have friends across the political spectrum that utilize both cannabis and hemp derived products that do not want to see this bill signed. Please do not sign this bill. It will hurt people who utilize these products responsibly.

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