  1. United States
  2. Neb.
  3. Letter

Expand Matthew Shepard Act to Protect Trans and Non-Binary Individuals

To: Rep. Flood, Sen. Fischer, Sen. Ricketts

From: A verified voter in Bellevue, NE

February 24

The tragic incident involving Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old nonbinary and Indigenous student, underscores the urgent need to expand the Matthew Shepard Act (18 U.S.C. § 249) to explicitly protect Trans and Non-Binary individuals. Nex's experience of bullying and the subsequent altercation at Owasso High School, which resulted in their untimely death, highlights the systemic challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth. The current legislation's scope must be broadened to ensure comprehensive protection against hate crimes for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. This expansion is a necessary step towards creating safer environments for LGBTQ+ youth in schools and other public spaces. The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated.

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