- United States
- Nebraska
Nebraska Open Letters
I suppose I should point out that if the GOP doesn't elect a speaker on Friday, you can't be sworn in to a new term of Congress, which means the election can't be certified on 1/6. But go ahead — you do you...
School shootings need to STOP
School shootings have affected the US for DECADES now. What are you doing to solve this problem? 488 mass shootings (four or more victims) have occured THIS YEAR ALONE. According to Wikipedia, there have been at least 54 gun-related incidents at schools this year (including ones where no one was hur
Don’t nominate RFK
I am writing to say that the nomination of RFK Jr. for HHS Secretary is dangerous and I oppose it. He opposes lifesaving vaccines and has pledged to stop funding research on treatments and cures for deadly diseases. In a public health emergency more would die under his watch. He also lacks the exper
Uphold Nebraskans' mandate for legal medical cannabis
The appeal filed by John Kuehn challenges the successful ballot measures that legalized medical cannabis and created a regulatory framework in Nebraska. Despite Judge Susan Strong's ruling upholding the validity of the ballot petition signatures, Kuehn alleges there were insufficient valid signature
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