  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Altadena, CA

August 20

We need an AG and DOJ who will defend our constitution against all levels of seditionists, domestic terrorists, voter suppression criminals, and blatant “above the law” corruption—including defying subpoenas, conspiring with foreign govts, etal—taking money from billionaires and foreign govts in exchange for political outcomes—not just low level MAGA foot-soldiers on J6. Harris-Wolz AG needs to be both fearless and fully funded to investigate and indict all crimes including sedition. The DOJ must be fully funded and protected, as Maga (RW billionaire backed) corporate media, journos and pundits are anti-democracy, and anti-democrat—and will ruthlessly attack 24-7-365, all who seek to hold Maga seditionists, terrorists, traitors, vote suppressors, election deniers, subpoena defiers, etal—accountable.

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