  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Charlotte, TN

August 23

The Democrats' unwavering support for Israel's actions against Palestinians, even in the face of civilian casualties and human rights violations, is deeply concerning. By refusing to allow Palestinian voices at their convention and dismissing protests against the violence in Gaza, they have made it clear that protecting Israel is a higher priority than upholding human rights or seeking a just resolution to the conflict. This stance is morally and ethically indefensible. The violence and oppression Palestinians face cannot be ignored or pushed aside to maintain good relations with Israel. True progressives should work towards peace, equality and freedom for all people, not turn a blind eye to suffering. I urge you to reconsider your partisan allegiance to Israel and push for a new approach that centers human rights and dignity for Palestinians. The path to peace requires accountability and an end to the cruel status quo.

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