  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

August 27

There cannot be silence when innocent blood is being spilled. Here, on the soil of our shared humanity, the hour necessitates our voices- yours, mine, ours - to rise against the dreadful injustices permeating across the political landscape. More specifically, it is indubitably concerning the US funding which supports and perpetuates Israel's actions against Palestinian civilians, a funding which empowers arms that spell despair and destruction. Every missile fired, every home razed, every life lost, signifies a desperate cry for the cessation of hostilities. It's a dire plea for a ceasefire, an end to this unabated brutality and bloodshed. The citizens of Gaza have been denied the right to live peacefully, deprived of security, and made to suffer in a vicious circle of violence where nightmares replace dreams. These are crimes against humanity, happening under the open sky, and it is our moral responsibility to intervene and advocate for their end. We must not, and cannot, remain idle spectators; we must use our privilege and platform to affect change, exposing the agendas hidden behind the veil of political expediency and pushing for the divestment of US funding in this ordeal. The United Nations charter was established to maintain international peace and security - we must call upon this universal mandate now, more than ever. We must demand an immediate ceasefire. Our urgency should reverberate through the hallways of power, shaking their complacency into action.

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