  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Pfluger, Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

October 10

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. So much crazy to keep up with. A president who sent life-saving equipment to a historical enemy during a pandemic. A pandemic he chose to downplay for his own citizens. Costing untold lives. But wanted to make sure his buddy in the Kremlin was safe from the very thing we were supposed to solve here with bleach injections and horse dewormer. Yet, his running mate for VP shrugs and says so what. His party shrugs and says so what. Armageddon would break out if Komrade Kamala even thought about such behavior. Plus her laugh sucks. Then we read that the FBI was pressured by this same president to gloss over and pretend there was no merit to sexual misconduct allegations brought against Brett Kavanaugh before his confirmation to a lifetime SCOTUS appointment. We the people were bamboozled. We felt/smelt something was rotten in Denmark. Turns out we were right. Now, as a direct result of this president’s thwarting the course of investigation that would have most likely shown BK to be unworthy of the job he was seeking, half of Americans lost their basic right to bodily autonomy. And a most disconcerting aspect of just these two unbelievable revelations of dereliction is that someone, somewhere knew about all these machinations. Supported them. Furthered their completion. But apparently said nothing. Did nothing. Except what the big guy told them to do. This in itself is a damning confirmation that there is no inherent power within the government that will save us from actions by a president with malevolent intent. And from people who want to keep their jobs, no matter what. And now, thanks to DJT’s manipulation of SCOTUS, malevolent intent will not even carry future legal repercussions. Because now, if a president does it, it’s not illegal. We certainly won’t be saved by any moral qualms or hesitation within the GOP in Congress. That’s been proven since 2016. Moral bravery has died in your party. At least in the ones still in any position of power. Your unfit unwell presidential candidate is a cheater and a loser and a liar. He duped the American people. He used the power of the office to degrade the office. He was, is, and forever shall be, a disgrace to the country. And a disaster for the GOP. Welcome to karma. Thanks for taking the rest of us along for this ride. But you can have it. We want off.

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