  1. United States
  2. Conn.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Hayes, Sen. Murphy

From: A verified voter in Danbury, CT

August 18

I address this to my elected representatives and to the majority of your colleagues in both the House and Senate who this applies to. I have asked you the same questions before: Why do you continue to allow the ongoing genocide in Gaza to continue? Every day reports continue to come out regarding Palestinians who are murdered by the IDF in the name of defense. Get a new line other than Israel has the right to defend itself because that's the classic line approved by AIPAC who bribes you all. Raping Palestinians in torture camps is not defending yourself. Killing civilians is not defending yourself. It's just murder. Bombing a mosque within a school where civilians including children shelter is murder. You're ok with the fact that they could only be identified with body parts strewn about? Come on! You're ok with a targeted strike by the supposedly most "moral" army in the world that killed a mother and her two newborn twins while the father was out getting birth certificates? If the photo of those twins who represent so many other kids killed in this genocide doesn't move you then you are as morally bankrupt as the Israeli government and the Israeli civilians who cheer on this genocide. That's to say nothing about Israeli settlers killing Palestinians in the West Bank. What do you all do in Congress? You just have hollow words about concern for human rights, international law, blah blah blah. This means nothing when you celebrate the Geneva Convention Anniversary and in the same day send $20B to help Israel keep killing the Palestinians. The same people have plenty of money for war but never any money to take care of Americans. When it's a military ally you ignore all the atrocities but when it's a foe. i.e. Russia then you're outraged. Thanks to your cowardice you have made America a joke in the world. Nobody will ever take the credibility of this nation seriously again and you have made Americans unsafe all over the world. President Biden, his administration and you have the power to stop this and choose not to. You are all complicit in this and history will remember where you were many years from now. You will not rewrite history to make yourselves look good when you were part of this genocide. No more money and weapons to Israel for death and carnage. Period. If you care about the future at all in many contexts listen to what I and the majority of my fellow citizens have to say. You make this country feckless by caving into a client state instead of using the power you have over that state. Netanyahu is not my president and you should act like he is not yours as well!

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